Our roots go deep, one might say, as our ancestors farmed as a way of life as far back in our family trees as we can trace. As a family of 4th generation Alaskans, we're especially honored to continue this heritage and have the opportunity to provide fresh fruits and vegetables, raw honey, plants, herbs and more to the community in Fairbanks, North Pole, and vicinity.
Established in 2018, Alaskan Farm launched a wholesome and varied summer vegetable CSA in addition to servicing local restaurants and markets. Strawberries, eggs, and honey were added in the following years as our CSA grew. It was time to move--to find a place we could steward sustainably as a family, to grow deeper. In 2020 we wrapped up our last season in North Pole and moved to the hills of Fairbanks. In 2023 we acquired new raw land of our own that we may steward through regenerative agriculture for generations to come. We look forward to reopening our CSA membership soon (we miss you folks) and offering fresh, Alaskan Farm produce--what we love doing the most!
While there are no CSA shares available just yet, please subscribe to our seasonal newsletter as things are ramping up quite quickly. In the meantime, we will have fresh produce and more available online this season for pickup at the farm.
June through September
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." Psalm 24:1
© 2018 - 2024 ALASKAN FARM, LLC